Almost everyone needs to take an exam at some point in their life. And while the teaching or training you received may have thoroughly covered the subject matter, most people never learn effective strategies for exam taking and preparation.
Learning in a classroom is one thing but remembering the information in a pressurized situation is another. There are certain strategies you can use during your exam prep and on exam day that will give you a big advantage. If you want to supercharge your performance on an upcoming exam, you're in the right place! Hypnotherapy, coaching and cognitive skill building are your secret weapons.
Modern humans are born with a tremendous ability to learn. We learn to walk, talk, drive, compare prices, find the shortest route to a destination, or count cash. We can remember the name of an attractive person, our address, PIN codes, etc. We routinely learn these things and then easily recall the information or sequences of behavior when they are needed. Your conscious and unconscious processes work together perfectly to make this happen.
Our hypnotherapy sessions will allow you to harness this natural ability to learn and recall. We can amplify it and focus it to optimize your exam preparation and performance. You'll excel on exam day, and as a bonus, you'll learn techniques that can be used in many other areas of your life.
The exam program is a combination of coaching, targeted hypnosis and cognitive skill building. You'll discover and learn how to leverage your sensory and cognitive strengths and preferences, You'll experience techniques for relaxation and focused alertness and identify your optimal learning state. We'll also deploy techniques for recall and comprehension and sharpen the ability to mentally organize information for easy access.
OK, that's a lot of fancy jargon but to sum it up... it works! Why not book a free evaluation so we can have a chat about your goals and how I can help you achieve them.
You'll excel on exam day and as a bonus, you'll learn techniques that can be used in many other areas of your life.
Hi Gary,
"We worked together a few years ago, the hypnosis I believed helped me quit smoking and graduate college. Hopefully you can help me with weightloss and stress relief.
Thank you, "
-Kevin S.